About Me

  • I graduated from DePaul University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and minors in Professional Writing and Industrial & Organizational Psychology. While at DePaul, I earned a Leadership Certificate from the Student Leadership Institute. I also served as a student mentor for first-year students and coached new student mentors.

  • While being a full-time undergraduate student, I also worked for the U.S. Department of State as a Program Assistant supporting the regulation of foreign missions activities in the United States. My responsibilities included project management, information design, and database development. I developed and maintained databases, managed the drafting of various publications, and coordinated meetings and conferences.

  • The coursework I completed for my Professional Writing minor coupled with my project experiences at the State Department motivated me to complete a Master's of Science degree in Technical Communication and Information Design at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). While at IIT, I accepted an assistantship with the Collaboration and Social Media Lab (CaSM) collecting and analyzing data from data mining and interviews in support of quantitative and qualitative research on social network analysis. Through that experience, I realized that I enjoyed organizing and managing information, whether that information is in the form of words in a newsletter or data in a content management system.

  • To further my career development in information management, I work at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited's Global Technology Services. I am an active leader in the organization’s community of practice, passionate about learning and development, facilitating study programs to help colleagues become IIBA® and PMP certified. I have led global cross-functional teams through agile methodology, conducted feasibility studies and vendor evaluations, and managed operations of in-house developed and vendor products to ensure solutions excellence.

  • In addition to my day-to-day responsibilities, I lead and participate in activities that promote inclusive leadership and career mentorship, topics that I am passionate about. I have led initiatives to increase organizational Cultural Awareness through gamification. I've also led societal impact programs to motivate and inspire high school students to learn how to code in collaboration with Junior Achievement of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools. I participate in mentoring relationships as a mentee and a mentor/coach.